FUNDING-Igniting Research Collaborations (IRC) Program

The Igniting Research Collaborations (IRC) Program seeks to increase interdisciplinary scientific engagement and leverage the breadth of expertise across campus to tackle important problems in the Commonwealth. UK is one of eight universities in the nation with the full range of undergraduate, graduate, professional, medical, engineering, and agricultural programs on one campus, which creates distinct opportunities for collaborative research.

Pilot proposals for the IRC program must be a NEW collaboration of faculty from at least two different colleges. The maximum budget amount is $50,000. Typical awards are in the $25,000 - $30,000 range.  The budget period is for six months, July 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018.

The IRC Program website has been updated ( and the VPR Support Grant submission portal link ( is now live.  Details on the proposal requirements are available at the submission portal using LinkBlue log-in credentials.