Information-Annual Financial Disclosure Due in March; March 31, 2015

To be in compliance with federal regulations, AR 7:2 requires each person responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of sponsored activity to complete a financial disclosure at least annually.   Even if you have updated your disclosure recently, an annual certification is required.   When you access the Financial Disclosure Statement, the information from your most recent entry will appear.  If nothing has changed and the disclosure is still accurate, you may simply proceed to the “Certification” button at the bottom of the screen.       

Please complete/update your disclosure as soon as possible, but no later than March 31, 2014.    

Instructions for accessing your Financial Disclosure:

Several items of note:

·         The second paragraph of AR 7:2 IV.F. has been modified to read:  Postdoctoral scholars and fellows may be considered investigators if designated as such by the Principal Investigator on a case-by-case basis.”

·         NIH Notice NOT-OD-15-051 indicates “the terms “spouse” and “marriage” as including legally-recognized, same-sex spouses /marriages…in the collection of financial conflict of interest (COI) information.”

·         If you are also in a position that is covered by the UK HealthCare Conflict of Interest/Confidentiality Policy, please note that these are two different policies that require separate financial disclosures.

If you have any questions about the policy, please contact either Kelley Davis  or Debbie Davis  257-8311.   If you have technical issues accessing the form, please contact Workflow Support