Information-USDA-NIFA email subscription service has changed; January 14, 2016



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The National Institute of Food and Agriculture is pleased to announce a new email subscription service to make convenient for you to receive news and information from our agency.

Our subscription service includes topics that may interest you such as NIFA updates, press releases, announcements, programs, initiatives, research, education, and extension projects, funding opportunities, grants awarded, budgetary and legislative updates, policy changes, blogs, significant NIFA-funded impacts or items of interest about and for land grant universities and non-land grant colleges of agriculture.

With this new service, you can even select the frequency of your information. For example, you may desire to receive news as it is posted, once daily, or once a week.

To update your subscription, log in with your email address at Be sure to save your changes, and look for a confirmation via email verifying the updates you make.

You can password protect your subscriptions and preferences, change your email address, or remove yourself at any time by accessing your Subscription Preferences page.

Please share this information with your colleagues. We are confident this new subscription service will better meet your information needs from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Should you have questions, contact Alexandra Wilson at (202) 720-3137 or


Note: For our University Partners: We are not discontinuing our Lyris Service for your cross-university communication purposes but will rely on this new email subscription service to disseminate NIFA news and information.


Update your subscriptions, modify your password or email address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page. You will need to use your email address to log in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please visit

This service is provided to you at no charge by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

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