IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (KY
INBRE) – Call for Proposals for Electron Microscopy Assistance; December 18,
INBRE announces the availability of vouchers for Kentucky investigators
interested in the use of electron microscopy to enhance their research programs
and provide preliminary data for grant applications. Vouchers (up to $5,000
total costs) are to be used to cover the cost of sample preparation, assisted
electron microscope use, or other associated training at any of the three KY
INBRE network electron microscopy facilities, include the Electron Microscopy
Center at the University of Kentucky. Student involvement in the project is
required. By accepting a voucher, principal investigators agree to provide a
one-page outcome summary within 12 months and agree to be available to give a
presentation about their supported work during the KY INBRE’s annual Electron
Microscopy Workshop.
to preparing an application, investigators are encouraged to contact the
electron microscope facility where the pilot project data is anticipated to be
collected (UK Electron Microscopy Center -
Due: 5:00 p.m. December
18, 2020
to Guidelines:
for Proposals - Electron Microscopy Assistance — Kentucky IDeA
Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (KY INBRE, formerly BRIN) (