for Putting Data to Work for Civic Engagement and Stronger Communities;
December 13, 2019
Knight Foundation
John S. and James. L. Knight Foundation has opened a call for proposals that
explore how the widespread digital collection of data can be harnessed for
greater civic engagement and stronger communities. Through the call, which is
open through December 13, recipients will share up to $1 million in funding.
The push over the last decade to open more data for private use has made
unprecedented amounts of data available — but has not as done much to enable
the use of this data. Instead, the onus is on individuals with technical
expertise to collect, analyze, and put it to use. The foundation’s call seeks
to capture the full potential of data to help residents better understand what
is going on in their communities, serve as a spark for civic dialogue and
conversation, and enable citizens to hold governments and other institutions
accountable. The opportunity is open to individuals and organizations with
transformational projects working in any of the twenty-six communities where
Knight invests. Successful project ideas include but are not limited to new
ways to collect and analyze data that support civic engagement; new approaches
for displaying, interpreting, and communicating data to empower and engage
residents; more ways to bring residents together to discuss and use data for
civic and social purposes; and efforts that help residents improve their
ability to analyze and use data for civic engagement
13, 2019
to Full Announcement