and Food Research
Initiative Foundational
and Applied
AFRI Foundational and Applied Science (FAS)
Request for Applications (RFA) supports grants in
six AFRI priority areas to advance knowledge in
both fundamental and applied sciences important to
agriculture. The six priority areas are: Plant
Health and Production and Plant Products; Animal
Health and Production and Animal Products; Food Safety,
Nutrition, and Health; Bioenergy, Natural
Resources, and Environment; Agriculture Systems
and Technology; and Agriculture Economics and Rural
Communities. Research, Extension and Integrated
Research, Education and/or Extension projects are
solicited in this FY 2020 RFA. Project types and
deadlines vary by program area priority. The RFA also
includes eight specific priorities for co-funding
with the American Pulse Association, Colorado
Potato Administrative Committee, The Cotton
Board, Kansas Wheat Commission, The National Honey
Board, and USA Dry Pea & Lentil
Council. Read the full FAS
request for
applications. |