(FOA) Limited Submission – NSF – ADVANCE: Increasing the
Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering
Careers (NSF 16-594) – Partnerships
Track; September 18, 2018
Purpose: The National Science Foundation (NSF) ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers (ADVANCE) program is designed to foster gender equity through a focus on the identification and elimination of organizational barriers that impede the full participation and advancement of all women faculty in academic institutions. The goals of the ADVANCE program are (1) to develop systemic approaches to increase the representation and advancement of women in academic STEM careers; (2) to develop innovative and sustainable ways to promote gender equity that involve both men and women in the STEM academic workforce; and (3) to contribute to the research knowledge base on gender equity and the intersection of gender and other identities in STEM academic careers.
The ADVANCE Partnership track will support partnerships of two or more non-profit academic institutions and/or STEM organizations to increase gender equity in STEM academics. Projects should have national or regional impact and result in systemic change within one STEM discipline, several STEM disciplines, or all STEM disciplines. Partnering STEM organizations can include professional societies, industry, non-profit organizations, publishers, policy and research entities, state systems of higher education, higher education organizations, as well as institutions of higher education. Partnership proposals must include a final year focused on sustainability and/or scale-up, communication, and evaluation.
Funding Amount/ Project Period: up
to $1,000,000 total costs for 3-5 years
Link to Funding Opportunity
Institutional Limit: 1
Internal Competition: To participate in the university’s selection process,please submit the following,assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research via this portal with a copy to your Associate Dean for Research by September 18, 2018:
A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation.
For questions or issues with submission through the portal, email the limited submission mailbox (limitedsubmissions@uky.edu), or call 257-2861.
Agency Deadline:
December 12, 2018 -
required letter of intent; January 9, 2019 – full proposal