17-136 ANNOUNCEMENT; September
13, 2018
Colleague Letter: Research on Methodologies for STEM
19, 2017
EHR Core Research (ECR) program of the National Science Foundation's (NSF)
Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) wishes to notify the
community of the intention to support fundamental research on methodologies
that support valid inferences in STEM education. This Dear Colleague Letter
(DCL) calls for research proposals to be submitted to the ECR program (NSF 15-509) that
will develop and rigorously test new methodologies and grow the community's
collective capacity to conduct rigorous research and evaluation on STEM learning
and learning environments, workforce development, and broadening
this DCL, ECR invites proposals on the development, application, and extension
of formal models and methodologies for STEM education research and evaluation,
including methods for improving statistical modeling, qualitative modeling,
measurement, replication, and learning analytics. This includes research on
methodological aspects of new or existing procedures for data collection,
curation, and inference in STEM education. Similarly, ECR seeks proposals
related to collection of unique databases with cross-boundary value,
particularly when paired with innovative developments in measurement or
methodology (standard statistical modeling, qualitative research, measurement,
replication and learning analytics). Proposers must demonstrate how advances in
the methodology will support important theoretical insights in STEM education
research or evaluation. Proposers are encouraged to explore a wide range of
fundamental research projects (in the areas of quantitative, qualitative,
measurement, replication, and learning analytics methodologies) that may
address, but are not limited to, such topics as:
described in the ECR program announcement, three levels of funding are
available and should align with the maturity of the proposed work, the size and
scope of the empirical effort, as well as the capacity of the research team to
conduct the proposed research: (1) Level I proposals have a
maximum award size of $500,000 and a maximum duration of 3 years;
(2) Level II proposals have a maximum total award size of
$1,500,000 and a maximum duration of 3 years; (3) Level III
proposals have a maximum award size of $2,500,000 and a maximum
duration of 5 years. Most, if not all, awards will be funded as Level I
addition, NSF is interested in supporting capacity building proposals through
synthesis projects, conference proposals, and Early Concept Grants for
Exploratory Research (EAGER) proposals.
Synthesis proposals
seek support for synthesis of methodological knowledge on a topic of critical
importance to STEM learning and for the diffusion of research-based knowledge
to the STEM research community. An example of a synthesis project in this area
could include the clarification of the status of research relative to growth
modeling and how these models are taken up in STEM learning research with a
specific emphasis on directions for new research (i.e., unanswered
methodological questions and how answers to these questions would support the
evidentiary warrants of STEM education research). Maximum award size for
Synthesis proposals is $300,000 for a duration of up to two
Conference proposals
seek support to conduct highly-focused conferences (or workshops) related to
the research goals of the ECR program. Investigators are encouraged to propose
workshops as one way to diffuse the research-based knowledge (perhaps developed
through a synthesis award). The involvement of, and dissemination to, STEM
education researchers is an important aspect of this work. Information about the
preparing Conference Proposals is contained in the PAPPG Chapter
The EAGER funding
mechanism may be used to support exploratory work in its early stages on
untested, but potentially transformative, research ideas or approaches. This
work may be considered especially "high risk-high payoff" in the sense that it,
for example, involves radically different approaches, applies new expertise, or
engages novel disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspectives. Potential
investigators must contact an NSF program officer whose expertise is most
germane to the proposal topic prior to submission of an EAGER proposal. Requests
may be for up to $300,000 and of up to two years duration. Information about the
preparing EAGER Proposals is contained in the PAPPG Chapter
annual deadline for submission of proposals to ECR is the second Thursday in
September. Conference and EAGER proposals may be submitted throughout the year.
The NSF also strongly encourages early career faculty to submit
investigators interested in submitting proposals (or with other questions
pertaining to this DCL) may contact one of the program
Sloane, fsloane@nsf.gov
Program Director, EHR/DRL
ECR program, ECR@nsf.gov