Dear Colleague Letter: ANR - NSF/Physics/MCB Lead Agency Opportunity at the Physics - Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Interface



National Science Foundation



The US National Science Foundation (NSF) and the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) have signed an agreement on Research Cooperation. The agreement provides an overarching framework to encourage collaboration between US and French research communities and sets out the principles by which jointly supported activities might be developed. The agreement is a lead agency opportunity whereby collaborative proposals between US and French researchers are submitted to only the lead agency for review, and the partner agency agrees to accept the review. Based on the lead agency review of collaborative proposals, NSF and ANR will make joint funding decisions to support meritorious collaborative projects. The lead agency opportunity allows for reciprocal acceptance of merit review through unsolicited mechanisms with its goal to reduce some of the current barriers to working internationally. In FY 2021 (October 2020-September 2021), ANR will serve as the lead agency for all proposals. It is expected that NSF and ANR will alternate as lead agency in subsequent years.


The lead agency opportunity allows US and French researchers to submit a single proposal describing a project involving US and French researchers, that will undergo a single review process by the lead agency, on behalf of NSF/PHY, NSF/MCB and ANR. In FY 2021 proposals will be accepted for US-France collaborative projects in the areas of intersection between NSF/PHY, NSF/MCB and some of the research themes covered by the ANR's Generic call for proposals. Proposals relevant to the following priority areas and agency programs are eligible to apply for the lead agency opportunity in FY 2021:


Physics from Molecules to Cells

The emergence, evolution, dynamics and function of self-organized cellular systems stem from the interaction of biological components and the environment to yield robust, resilient and adaptive living systems. Through this DCL, NSF and ANR seek proposals that use multidisciplinary approaches that emphasize quantitative, predictive and theory driven science aimed at understanding mechanisms underlying these essential life processes at the molecular, subcellular and cellular scales. We are seeking proposals which integrate approaches from theoretical and experimental physics and biology to develop testable and quantitative understanding of biological questions. Projects providing innovative methodological or conceptual approaches to a biological question and with a strong theoretical physics component are strongly encouraged. Purely descriptive projects without predictive quantitative components are of low priority. Projects that leverage unique resources and capabilities of partners in the US and France will be given priority.


Announcement Number:

NSF 20-120


Closing Date:

December 1st, 2020: Deadline for the registration file (dossier) with ANR

April 2021: Deadline for the full proposal submissions to ANR


Link to Full Announcement


Contact Information

Krastan Blagoev