Funding-Limited Submission – Online Resource Center for Ethics Education in Science and Engineering (ORCEESE) NSF 13-558; May 14, 2013


Description: NSF expects to support the development of an online resource center containing research findings, pedagogical materials, and promising practices regarding the ethics and social justice dimensions of research and practice in all of the fields NSF supports. The development and evolution of the center will be informed by the research communities that NSF supports (e.g. engineering, social sciences, natural sciences, mathematics, computer sciences, physical sciences), and it will serve as a living resource of multimedia materials that may be used to train current and future generations of scientists, mathematicians, and engineers in responsible conduct of research (RCR). The center will also assist practicing scientists, mathematicians, and engineers to identify and explore ethical and social justice issues as they arise.


Audiences for the proposed ethics resource center may include but are not limited to:


NSF anticipates funding one five-year award of up to $300,000 annually. See the full program solicitation for more information:

Limit on Number of Proposals per Organization:


Because NSF limits an institution to 1 ORCEESE proposal, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process.  Researchers interested in submitting a proposal are to submit the following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, May 14, 2013:

(1)        Names and departments of the PI, senior project personnel, and key staff

(2)        Project description (2 page maximum) including the project goals, target audience(s), statement of need, and dissemination.


The Vice President for Research will appoint a committee to review the material and make recommendations as to the University’s applicant. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663).


NSF Deadline: August 7, 2013