FUNDING-NSF - Accelerating Discovery: Educating the Future STEM Workforce (PD-18-1998); July 2, 2018




National Science Foundation




The National Science Foundation (NSF) announced PD-18-1998, Accelerating Discovery: Educating the Future STEM Workforce. NSF seeks to invest in projects that can educate the STEM workforce to advance discovery in the six research Big Ideas: Harnessing the Data Revolution; The Future of Work; Navigating the New Arctic; Multi-messenger Astrophysics; The Quantum Leap; and Understanding the Rules of Life.  NSF is particularly interested in supporting innovative education research and development in two Big Ideas: The Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier and Harnessing the Data Revolution for 21st Century Science and Engineering.   Projects of interest include: innovative uses of technology and big data to understand learning; educational approaches that prepare tomorrow’s innovators to use technology and big data to understand the natural world; effects of advances in intelligent agents on STEM teaching and learning; and evaluation of disruptive educational interventions on long-term student outcomes. We encourage projects to partner with industry, public, and private sectors to define the needs of tomorrow’s workforce and develop educational and learning strategies to meet those needs. Proposals should address near-, mid-, and long-term challenges and opportunities facing the development of STEM professionals or anticipate new structures and functions of the STEM learning and teaching enterprise.


Announcement Number:




Closing Date:


July 2, 2018


Link to Full Announcement


Contact Information


Ellen Carpenter

(703) 292-5104