Systems for Health; November 22, 2019
Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)
actions of many sectors collectively affect health and health equity, but
coordination among these sectors is not enough. The Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation (RWJF) wants to help improve community health by fostering
connections across systems that are built to last. If different sectors have
the capacity and urgency to work together to address community needs, they can
make and sustain progress. Efforts to increase cross-sector alignment are well
underway. This call for proposals supports RWJF’s intent to identify and share
what works to effectively align the health care, public health, and social
services sectors. To make sustainable progress, systems and leaders in these
three sectors should:
Share a purpose and a set of priority outcomes
Create a shared data and measurement system
Establish sustainable financing with incentives and
Have strong governance infrastructure with leadership, appropriate roles,
and defined relationships.
of these actions should be driven by the voice and participation of community
members. Aligning Systems for Health will also strengthen the evidence base
around approaches and conditions that foster cross-sector alignment and will
translate these insights for communities, researchers, and change makers to
support on-the-ground efforts aimed at improving the health of communities. We
are also eager to understand the research and evidence that will be needed to
implement alignment at the community level. RWJF currently supports several
research and programmatic efforts to help build strong, lasting cross-sector
alignment in states and communities. A distinguishing focus of this research
grant program is the opportunity to explore, test, and refine the cross-sector
alignment theory of change. Prospective applicants should familiarize
themselves with other complementary RWJF research programs supporting alignment
here in order to determine if a research idea is appropriate for this or other
research opportunities. Research questions addressing cross-sector alignment
can take many forms. All proposals should explicitly build on learnings from
earlier research.
An optional applicant webinar will be held on November 8, 2019. Registration is
required. Register at: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3631460809251435266
proposals due November 22, 2019
2 full proposals for selected applicants due February 5,
to Full Announcement