FOA-Limited Submission – USDA – NIFA – Children, Youth and Families At-Risk Sustainable Community Projects (USDA-NIFA-SLBCD-007972); February 19, 2021


Purpose: The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) of the US Department of Agriculture announces the Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) Sustainable Community Projects (SCP) to marshal resources of the Land-Grant and Cooperative Extension Systems so that, in collaboration with other organizations, they can develop and deliver educational programs that equip youth who are a trisk for not meeting basic human needs with the skills they need to lead positive, productive, and contributing lives. The purpose of SCP funding is to improve the quality and quantity of comprehensive community-based programs for at-risk children, youth, and families supported by the Cooperative Extension System. The CYFAR request for new Sustainable Community Projects (SCPs) has two strategic objectives:


  1. To support community educational programs for at-risk, low income children, youth, and families which are based on locally identified needs, grounded in research, and which lead to the accomplishment of one of four CYFAR National Outcomes (Early Childhood, School Age; Teen, Parent/Family)


  1. To integrate CYFAR programming into ongoing Extension programs for children, youth, and families – insuring that at-risk, low income children, youth, and families continue to be part of Extension and/or 4-H programs, and/or Family and Consumer Science Programs and have access to resources and educational opportunities.


Collaboration across disciplines, program areas, and geographic lines, as well a holistic approach that views the individual in the context of the family and community, are central to SCP. NIFA is seeking applications from institutions that can develop statewide capacity. Note: NIFA is offering two extension projects types for the NEW SCP: Regular (single institution) and Joint SCP (applicant plus one eligible land-grant partner).


Funding Amount/ Project Period: up to $80,000 total costs for year 1 - single institutional applicant for 5 years; up to $160,000 total costs for year 1 - joint institutional applicant for 5 years


Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement


Institutional Limit:  1 for either a Regular SCP or s Joint SCP


Internal Competition: To participate in the university’s selection process,please upload the following,assembled into a single PDF file, to the Office of the Vice President for Research via this portal with a copy to your Associate Dean for Research by January 26, 2021:

·        Names and departments or affiliations of the Project Director and other key personnel or partners;

·        Title of program and/or funding opportunity announcement number;

·        Brief project description (2 pages maximum)

·        Brief biographical sketch


A committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation.


For questions or issues with submission through the portal, email the limited submission mailbox (, or call 257-2861.


Agency Deadline:  February 19, 2021