Workshop-Workshop for Identifying
Appropriate NIH Study Sections for Investigator-Initiated New Proposals; November 16, 2009
submitting proposals to NIH have the opportunity to include a cover letter that
requests assignment to a specific study section. The new NIH
database, RePORTER, which replaced the CRISP
database, allows researchers to identify the study section that reviewed funded
projects. The Center for Scientific Review (CSR) web pages also have a
search mechanism and detailed information on the types of projects reviewed by
each study section.
Proposal Development Office (PDO) is offering a workshop that provides helpful
hints on searching the NIH RePORTER and CSR pages, developing a
strategy for identifying an appropriate review group, and effectively conveying
that request to the Division of Receipt and Referral in the NIH Center for
Scientific Review.
will also have a hands-on opportunity to conduct customized searches to
identify potential study sections for proposals on topics of their choice.
workshop will be held on Wednesday, November 18 from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. in
Room B108A, a computer classroom in the basement of the W. T. Young Library.
is limited to 24 participants. Registration is required by 5:00 p.m.
Monday, November 16. To enroll, access the on-line registration form
on PDO’s web page ( or contact Dee King
(7-2861 or