Interest-UK College of Law-new UK legal journal for equine and agricultural
law- call for manuscripts; February 28, 2009
The University of Kentucky
College of Law plans to launch a new legal journal titled,
the "Kentucky Review of Equine and Agricultural Law." The
editorial board of the Kentucky Review of Equine and Agricultural Law (KREAL)
is exited to announce that we are currently seeking articles for our inaugural
publication in Spring 2009.
As a forum for articles by
practitioners, academicians, and policy-makers throughout the United States and
abroad, KREAL welcomes scholarly articles focusing on legal, regulatory, and
policy issues relating to equine and agricultural industries. The scope
of our journal includes but is not limited to, equine health regulations,
equine contract law, gaming regulations, tax incentives for ethanol production,
farm subsidies, organic food regulations, research and development, and so
on. Articles that address legal topics,including policy and regulation issues, are
preferred. We are seeking influential and thought provoking articles, by both
practitioners and scholars, on significant equine and agriculture topics.
If you are interested in
submitting an article for possible publication, please submit a typed
manuscript to:
Rebekah Frazier, Articles Editor
Review of Equine and Agricultural Law
of Kentucky, College of Law
KY 40506-0048
If you have
any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Rebekah
Frazier by telephone at (859) 257-1293 or by email at
(Attn: Rebekah Frazier).
Please let
Dr. Nancy Cox (;
257-3333), COA Associate Dean for Research, know if you have questions.